This year’s programme sheds light on questions of identity, community, memory and being together. It is an opportunity to gather and experience the humour, pleasure, curiosities and joy of dance. 

Some of the highlights of this year’s programme include three mixed bill nights including performances by Aerowaves Twenty23 artists Structure-couple and Jean-Baptiste Baele and Irish dance artists like Siobhán NÍ Dhuinnín and Jessie Keenan a.o. We will also have the chance to see the first public performance by the newly-formed Limerick-based Parsley Collective!

The festival also features workshops by Jean-Baptiste Baele and Sonia Sabri, a roundtable discussion on Dance and Cultural Identity featuring festival and visiting artists, and a celebratory closing event conceived by Catherine Young and The Welcome Project: Ceílí Afro Dabke Ukraine, an upbeat world music ceílí dance to finish the festival off with a bang!

Dive in Discover Dance this February in Limerick. 

Browse the full programme here

Watch the festival trailer here

What Next Dance Festival is kindly funded by The Arts Council of Ireland, The Limerick Arts Office and Limerick City and County Council, The Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media and Creative Ireland; and supported by Aerowaves, The Creative Europe Programme of the European Union, the Irish World Academy at the University of Limerick and Dance Ireland.