
Sabine Molenaar is an artist based in Brussels and working with performance and film. She founded her company Sandman in 2012 in Brussels. Sandman has produced three physical theatre performances: That’s it (2013), Touch me (2015), Almost Alive (2017) and  A Moment, a short adjusted version of Almost Alive.

She also produced three experimental short dance films: Wish her ill (2012), That’s it (2013) and Kali (2016).

Sabine studied at at Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Tilburg and at Modern Theatre Dance at the Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten. During those years she co-founded the Dutch company ‘Instant Collective’ and worked with Ann van den Broek. After moving to Brussels she worked with companies including ‘Peeping Tom’, JOJI inc and Speedbattle Collective