
Pere Faura graduated from the School for New Dance Development in Amsterdam (SNDO) in 2006, and his graduating piece won the ITS Festival Award and was selected for the DansClick tour in The Netherlands. The same year he became resident choreographer at Frascati Theatre in Amsterdam, where he created most of his first works and presented them internationally. In 2009 received the prestigious Charlotte Kohler Price.

Following his MA in Choreography in 2011, he returned to Barcelona where he has continued developing his work in different art centres of the city, as well as collaborating with other artists like Iñaki Alvarez, Joan Escofet, Aggtelek or Desilence Studio, among others.

Pere Faura’s work is based on the appropriation of elements of pop culture, such as striptease, disco, musicals or porn to remix them and transform them into a new multidisciplinary choreography which combines all the elements of the theatrical convention.

Apart from his work as a maker, he’s also involved in programming activities and designing new contexts for artistic exhibition by being a member of the collective ARTAS (ARTistas ASociados a La Poderosa) and a founding member of G.R.U.A. (Grup de Recerca d’Universos Artístics).