
La Chachi has earned her place in the tradition of breaking down and reassessing flamenco, following the path of other outsiders like El Niño de Elche, Israel Galván and Rocío Molina. An actress and dancer, she graduated in both disciplines in Malaga, her hometown. After specialising in flamenco with “La Lupi”, training in physical theatre, new dramaturgy and contemporary dance, she discovered her true passion: the union of all these disciplines.

María del Mar Suárez/La Chachi, is no new arrival, because she has been twisting the traditional flamenco language since 2008 to fit it to her unique style, where hybridisation is the norm. She made her first piece in 2017, La gramática de los mamíferos (The Grammar of Mammals), which received several nominations and awards. Her second work La Espera received support from Teatros del Canal (Madrid) and was programmed at the Teatro Central in Sevilla. Los inescalables Alpes, buscando a Currito (The Unclimbable Alps, Looking for Currito) was presented at Festival de Otoño of Madrid and in 2022 received the Godot Dance Award.