Alexander Deutinger studied Translation and Interpreting at Karl-Franzens University, Graz and Contemporary Dance at Anton Bruckner University, Linz. As a performer he has worked, among others, with Oleg Soulimenko, Christine Gaigg, Anna Mendelssohn. Since 2008 he has been creating his own works together with Marta Navaridas. Selected works: Your Majesties, Speaking of Which, On the Other Hand.
Alexander Gottfarb studied dance at the Stockholm Ballet Academy. As a performer he has worked, among others, with Chris Haring/liquid loft, Elio Gervasi and Iztok Kovač. Selected works: Baga-Basta with Milan Tomášik (Les Slovaks), Marvel at the World, Political Movements, Moved by Faith, On Celebration and Lamentation.