Other initiatives
Beyond the regular activities, Aerowaves also develops and collaborates in other initiatives such as Moving Borders or the pilot SHIFT Culture Eco-Certificate.
Beyond the regular activities, Aerowaves also develops and collaborates in other initiatives such as Moving Borders or the pilot SHIFT Culture Eco-Certificate.
Moving Borders explores how three female dance artists from Ukraine – and the migration of millions of women and children escaping from the Russian occupation of their country – are informing approaches to welcoming and engaging refugees through dance, and in the development of inclusive and cohesive practices across Europe.
Learn moreAerowaves looks beyond Europe to exchange with the three vivid and distinct dance cultures.
Find outAerowaves is part of the list of the first fifteen European cultural networks to achieve the SHIFT Eco-Certification.
Find out moreExplore our past initiaves, from Aerowaves 25 years celebration to curatorial and audiovisual content.